About Us
School Facts
Westside Opening Date: 1964
Renovation Completed: 2020
School Mission: We, the Westside staff will positively motivate, encourage, and influence every student to achieve high academic standards, develop a quality character, and be a life-long learner.
School Creed: Today is a brand new day with wonderful possibilities. Success begins with me. I have the courage to be a better person today than I was yesterday. I am responsible for my actions and accomplishments; I will choose to do the right thing even when no one is looking. I will respect myself and others by cooperating with all school people. I am here to learn and will do everything I can to keep the teacher teaching and everyone, including myself, learning. I am a proud Westside Warrior, and I accept the challenge!
School Enrollment: 486
School Mascot: Westside Warriors
School Colors: Red and White